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Keep checking back in as we continue to develop and add to our list of favourite links, products and resources.
We don't have any commercial interest in any of the items listed below. We just think they're good, and they may form a helpful part of your toolbox moving forward!
This Medical Life with Dr Travis Brown and Steve Davis, with guests Dr Alecia Macrow and A/Prof Susan Evans: Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis: More Than The Black Spots
Everything from A to V podcast: Endometriosis with Dr Sne Wadhwani and Dr Susan Evans
Full circle women's health by Dr Preetam Ganu and Dr Dominique Baume, Ep 4: Endometriosis
Full circle women's health by Dr Preetam Ganu and Dr Dominique Baume, Ep 5 Persistent Pelvic Pain
The Pelvic Health Podcast, The language of pelvic pain with Dr Susan Evans
A/Prof Susan Evans, Introduction to Pelvic Pain. An excellent free, downloadable introductory guide for those with pelvic pain. Free download
Fact sheet: preparing for and recovering from laparoscopy
A/Prof Susan Evans, Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain. A must for anyone with endo/pelvic pain and those who love them.
Dr Adriaan Louw, Why pelvic pain hurts delves into the neuroscience of pelvic pain.,Sandra%20Hilton%20and%20Carolyn%20Vandyken.
Jean Hailes fact sheet - Heavy Periods
Heavy menstrual bleeding management options - Australian Commission for Quality and Safety In Healthcare
Mirena IUD fact sheet - Family Planning NSW
Hormonal contraception: debunking common myths: Royal Melbourne Hospital
Choices in contraception: ShineSA
Yoga bolster
Organic Cotton Yoga Bolster - Stretch Now
Olive & Bee intimate cream
Excellent natural product by South Australian physio Claire Osterstock
Wearable product (for him) to reduce pain during intercourse
Great for reducing bloating, normalising stool transit, helps with both constipation and diarrhoea
Foot stool for better toileting posture
Good old IKEA just as good as the pricier options according to our physio friends! You want the FÖRSIKTIG
Pain reducing strategy helpful for some people
2XU Compression tights
Great support tights and helpful if you also have POTS.
Womens Compression - Tights & Leggings | 2XU
Electrolyte drink
It's not a product per se but if your doctor or dietitian has recommended you salt and electrolytes for low BP or high pulse, you can make your own via this recipe
Our awesome Endo Exercise Physiologist Cherie Noble presenting progressive muscle relaxation on YouTube
Trish Neumann's relaxation track for the pelvis. Trish is a pioneering pelvic physio from Adelaide. You can download or order her tracks from here
Pelvic floor muscle relaxation by Sonia Scharfbillig. Sonia is an Adelaide based pelvic physiotherapist. Her tracks are available at EndoZone
@theguthealthdietitian (instagram)
Joanna Baker, IBS dietitian with lots of sensible lifestyle advice for dealing with a cranky tummy
Nerva app
Gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS
developed by Monash Uni, the same team who developed the FODMAP program
Thrive Endo Yoga for Pelvic Pain
Cherie presents this excellent series.
Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia: Easy Stretches to Relax the Pelvis. Ideally done daily
Embrace Autism
Great links for self assessment/investigation for those exploring their neurotype
Embrace Autism | The ultimate autism resource (
Clinically Thinking Podcast - Recognising Adult ADHD with Heidi Sumich
Adult ADHD self assessment tool
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(C) Thrive Family Practice 2024